PROFILES.REGI <- <- <- <- <--> -> -> -> -> - E-> -> -> -> Error #: <- <- <- <--> -> -> -> DEVICE FAULTPRINTER OFF-OUT OF PAPER-OFF LINEDEVICE I/O ERRORDISK MEDIA ERRORDISK NOT READYDISK WRITE PROTECTEDDEVICE UNAVAILABLE DISK FULL! DEVICE TIME OUTFILE NOT FOUNDRETURNING TO MENU[Enter]Make selection--then press the [Enter] key, or[Escape]Press the [Escape] key to return to Menu R E G I T - P A S S W O R D S E L E C T Password must be four characters long!Press any key to return to MenuDO NOT FORGET IT!Your Password is ENTER PASSWORD:
The password can be any four letters, numbers, or characters.SYS0.EXEPassword Protection is now -- OFF -- oOOFFONPASSWORD FUNCTION: L16 N55L16 N40 N25